Please Accept a Free Chapter From "The JOY of Being Disorganized"

"There Arose Such a Clutter"as_seen_on

I keep hearing from women who are no longer desperately disorganized because of my latest book The Joy of Being Disorganized.the_joy_of_being_disorganized-1-517427-edited

My goal in writing it was to help women find peace and joy in life, right where they are, and from the reviews I’m receiving it’s doing just that.

The Joy of Being Disorganized has a totally new and different approach to getting organized. It gently suggests getting organized just to please you, not your mother-in-law, not your mother, not your best friend and not your husband. If any of them suggests there’s more to be done, show them where the garbage can, the cleaning products and the vacuum cleaner are!

Please accept chapter seven, There Arose Such a Clutter, as my gift to you. Just fill out the form to the right.



P.S. You can read the chapter or listen to me read it.






Get Your Free Chapter

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Pam gave me a special gift by showing me that I am special! I may not be as organized and de-cluttered as I would prefer to be, but I am precisely where I need to be today! Accepting yourself right where you are makes it easy to encourage oneself to continue along the journey.



I really enjoyed this book.Light-hearted, hilarious, effective. I really enjoyed this book. There are examples from her own life that had me rolling with laughter. Inspiring. Specifically examples about her ex's cranky nature and how her writing career got started. Good stuff and thank you for writing!



This is a great refresher on Pam's SHE system and it also drives home the point that you don't need to do it all as a woman, you can ask for help and use other's experiences as a guide to help you achieve success in every aspect of your life. Easy to read, great ideas for organizing and maintaining a home on a busy schedule.
